Sunday, December 6, 2009


I asked for the result of SOS..One of my course in this semester.
I got a B-. Actually I really need to thank Buddha that I can get a B-. I don't have faith in this course. I can say that I don't have faith in most of the course. But I still need to thank Buddha because at least I passed this subject. I no need to retake. I knew that got 5 people in my class need to retake. But I am the lucky one. I knew that. I hope that I can get better result in the rest subjects. Hope so....
Today, nothing different..Just as usual..sleep, eat, watch drama series..But I watched one Taiwan drama series 'Gong Zu Xiao Mei' in Channel U. Actually I watched that before but I still watch it again. Xiao han said that, " When I can forget the feeling to you? ” Suddenly I think of him again. This few days don't know what happen to me.. Think nonsense all the time.. Maybe too free in house.. that cause me think a lot..
Last few days found that got a girl asked him to go her house to play games. I used to see his profile but I try to control myself. I know I should control myself. It hurts me a lot. I know that he will find a girlfriend some how. I still will wait him. But, can you please tell me if you got your Miss Right?? I will bless you if you get the real one. I hope you happy too..But I hope I can know.At least tell me that,ok?? I am telling to myself because I know that he will not know that and won't read this blog..But I pray hard that you can know. I just want to let myself let go..That all..I don't have other meaning..Really...(although I hope it wont happen because I will very very sad..)

Friday, December 4, 2009


昨天是爸爸的生日,每年的生日都是早上起床后就和爸爸说声:“爸,生日快乐。” 爸爸总是会我一句“谢谢”。
今 年的生日也不例外,虽然很想和他一起庆祝,但爸爸有糖尿病,不能吃甜的东西,所以妈妈不给我买蛋糕。要出去也要经过很多关。从小到大,我要和朋友出去或是 去哪里,都不是件简单的事。妈妈会问东问西。我明白我一直都是他们眼中的小孩,不管我现在已经是成年人了。朋友常好奇的对我说:“我都已经那么大了,为什 么要出门还是那么的难?”要和他们解释需要很长的时间,我这人也不喜欢做什么解释,所以干脆不用解释,我自己明白就好。
就这么过了一天,爸爸的生 日也过了,妈妈只煮了爸爸爱吃的菜肴,也没什么庆祝,生日就过了。心里有点不好受。其实我一直有一个梦想,就是等爸妈退休后,带他们去吃好的,和看场电 影。可能在其他人的眼中,这只是一件非常简单的事,怎么会是个梦想呢?但在我的眼里,这是个很难达到的梦想。从小到大,爸爸忙工作,妈妈忙照顾一家,有时 连在一起吃饭的时间都很少,更不用说一起出去。在大学读书时,看要一家大小一起出去,就算是吃一顿饭,我都很羡慕,羡慕他们可以一起吃饭。
